Mar 1, 2024

What is cardiac rehabilitation?

Cardiac rehab is a multisiciplinary service to further optimse your lifestyle changes after your recent cardiac event.

Man with beard walking on a treadmill at the gym.

Cardiac Rehabilitation is a world-wide accepted program of therapy done in every continent around the globe!  It is also for the most prevalent conditions affecting humans on earth - which are heart/cardiac problems.  This could be heart attacks (myocardial infarction, STEMI, NSTEMI, arrests), heart failure (or heart pumping function insufficiency) or rhythm disturbances (arrhythmia, AF - atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter) among many more. 

Doctors (e.g. cardiologists and GPs) use medicine to control heart rates and pumping function, and control risk factors like high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and diabetes.  While surgeons and cardiac interventionalists use surgery and medically implanted stents/devices to correct the anatomy, repairs to electrical conduction pathways and undo blockages.  But who is responsible for the further prevention and maintenance of further problems?  

YOU!  You ultimately need to make those health and lifestyle changes that go hand-in-hand with your new medicines and new surgeries.  There is no more important person than yourself to rehabilitate your lost function and to make lifelong changes to ensure you protect yourself from further problems.  And when you get there, lead and educate your kids and grandchildren, because guess who has inherited your genes?

At Physio Partners, we have specialised and expert team members who are able to help you with any Cardiac Rehab question.  Not only that, we offer personalised sessions 1-1 with you, in the settings you most prefer.